5 Features That Make AngularJS An Excellent Choice For Web Development

Sometimes you are unsure about what Java framework to choose for your web development needs. But, if you are on the hunt for one that gives enough flexibility to develop user-friendly, interactive and platform independent application, then AngularJS is the best fit. This standard JavaScript based open source front-end framework seamlessly empower web developers to build high quality solutions using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Moreover it is being used to develop robust, scalable and flexible single page applications.
AngularJS has a set of built-in directives that makes the development cycle quicker and easier thus permitting developers to create solutions cost-effectively and in less time. Moreover there are countless other features that makes this JavaScript framework so dependable. With a range of functionalities, features and benefits, this framework has gained incredible admiration for itself. So let’s figure out what important features make this JavaScript framework a right choice for your next project.
Dealing with MVC Framework
The MVC framework provides a design pattern for developing web applications and it is the most popular form of organizing an application. The application is developed from combining these components together – Model, View and Control. Model part is responsible for managing application data, whereas the view part is the user interaction part of an application. The communication between the model and view is controlled by the control part.
In a typical MVC architecture, the developers have to develop components separately and use a code to combine these components and then use in a single application. This is a tedious process for the developers and it is time consuming as well. However in AngularJS all the components developed separately are merged automatically. No separate code is needed to combine these components and Angular JS automatically sets them together accordingly. It saves a lot of coding time as well.
User Interface with HTML
As you know HTML language is simple and uses short tags which are simple to apply. So you can make the guess how simple and organized interface can be built using this markup language. Angular JS uses HTML language to build the user interface. JavaScript interfaces are much complicated to develop and organize. HTML has well distinctive attributes which made easy to define the controller for every element.
Less Code to Write
AngularJS web development is easy as it requires less coding. The reason! Writing separate code for MVC is not required. Two way data binding made easy to save substantial amount of coding time. It actually lessen the job for moving data manually in the view. This two way data binding manages the synchronization between the model and view components and it makes easy for the programmers using AngularJS for web development.
One code set is enough for applications to be run in all the devices and can be used over different platforms. Finally, a simple code set just serve the purpose.
Unit Testing
Dividing the application into small parts and verifying that each unit works as desired makes for an impressible app development. This JavaScript framework has been designed with testability in mind and it uses a design pattern (dependency injection) to get hold of the application together. Previously the component behavior can be tested by only creating a test page. The use of Angular JS make the testing job simpler and easier. The framework offers a structure for establishing the tests and functions for validating the output of code. Unit testing ensures while creating angular applications that your application is as error free as possible.
Use of Directives
AngularJS comes with a various built in directives and these directives are that initializes an Angular JS application. Directives really are a favor to the framework, since it extends the functionality of HTML. It can be utilized to build custom HTML tags as well to embellish Angular components and elements with necessary characteristics. Directives are used to manipulate DOM attributes in most enhancing ways.
Pick the Right Web Development Company
There is no doubt to the fact that this JavaScript based open source front-end framework empowers your website to next level. It ensures that the application is enhanced to the highest standards. AngularJS development companies choose AngularJS over any other framework, only because these features of AngularJS makes it possible to develop a robust, reliable and dynamic angular application. texol has years of experience in developing successful client side applications using this open source framework. If you are on the search for a reliable company, your search ends here.